Listen to Proofread

Written By: S. Marc Testa, Ph.D.
Published On: 01/10/2016
tags: Reports

We’ve all had the experience of proofreading reports on a monitor only to find an error in the printed report. Among a number of factors, document fatigue may be responsible for this. The “flow” of a report can also suffer as a result. To break up the monotony, some strategies can be employed, including printing the document.

Additionally, one can alter the modality of the report by using text-to-speech functions in order to listen to the report. Though one could read along while viewing the document on screen, following along using a printed version of the report alters the report’s modality even further. Use a pen and to track edits easily.

Here are links to instructions for setting up text-to-speech on Apple and Windows operating systems.

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