Latent-Class Analysis and Validity

Written By: W. Howard Buddin Jr., Ph.D.
Published On: 06/29/2017

Consider the following statements:

  1. I enjoy reading about/doing/analyzing statistics.
  2. I am in private practice.

These two things are at odds with one another. In private practice, one doesn’t really get to engage in research as often as they would in a hospital or university setting. I am in private practice, and withdrawal is the best way to describe my plight. All that said, I was super excited and satiated last night as I read through “Use of Latent Class Analysis to define groups based on validity, cognition, and emotional functioning” by Ruth T. Morin and Bradley N. Axelrod. It was a solid article, and addresses one of those “we all know it’s a thing but the primary-source material isn’t really there” conundrums.

I was going to go on and on about how much we all understand the inherent strengths and weaknesses in using certain cutoff scores in certain ways (particularly across separately-normed batteries), etc., etc. A better idea, though, is for you to download one of only a few copies of this pre-print edition article, right here, and let the authors tell you all about it, instead.

Special thanks to Dr. Axelrod for sharing this with the neuropsychology community! Also, if you and your colleagues have a new article that you’d like to share with everyone, drop us a line.

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